Wilde Wycher Broc is a limited company (14196552) providing therapeutic projects and mentoring for young Neurodivergent people.

We are all Neurodivergent (Autistic/ADHD) and are highly skilled and experienced within our specialist field.

We’re based in the beautiful countryside of Wiltshire, occupying a smallholding of 2 acres with its own brook.

  • ‘Wilde Wycher Broc’ was born from my love of language. The name had to have meaning and fit with the ethos that exists here.


    wild (n.) "uncultivated or desolate region".

    Wild may have originated as a topographical name for someone who lived by a patch of uncultivated land. The derivation, in this case, is from the Old English 'wilde' or ‘wylde’.

    What is the meaning of Wylde?

    It is a name for a person of wild or undisciplined character. Looking back even further, we found the name was originally derived from the Old English word "wilde," meaning "untamed" or "uncivilized."

    Wycher: Comes partly from my love of ‘The Witcher’ book and game. But Wycher also has other meaning. Wyche can mean place, village or settlement (Anglo-Saxon)

    Broc – Scottish for Brook, a nod to my Scottish heritage.

    Badger (Broc) - Unyielding in the face of danger, the badger is noted for its tenacity and courage. The badger reminds us to fight for our rights and defend our spiritual ideas.

  • In 2020, I cofounded ‘Gecko Community’, a Charity that provides alternative provision for young Neurodivergent people. Although ‘Wilde Wycher Broc’ is a separate entity, it remains inextricably linked to our Charity and I remain in my role as Wellbeing Lead there.

    Also in 2020, my life changed dramatically. I was diagnosed Autistic and ADHD, escaped a toxic marriage and after the family home was sold in 2022, my current partner and I stumbled across a neglected piece of land that became ‘Wilde Wycher Broc’.

    We instantly fell in love with the energy and the wild, untamed landscape and wanted to return it to its former beauty.

  • Our dream is to turn Wilde Wycher Broc into a smallholding that can not only support the local community through producing fruit, vegetables and crafts but also support young Neurodivergent people to thrive.

    We will offer alternative provision (learning and mentoring) which will be led by the young people, with a focus on outdoor learning, bushcraft, small scale farming and animal care.